
ABL Box Hive

Price: Kshs 4000/=

African Beekeepers Ltd has developed a bee hive that is in between a Langstroth bee hive and a Kenya Top Bar Hive, ‘the ABL Box Hive’. The 'ABL Box Hive' goes at introductory price of Kshs 4000.

  • The brood box is fitted with bars that are designed with bee space to allow worker bees to move in and out of the super box.
  • The super box is separated by a queen excluder, preventing the queen going into the super box.
  • The hive requires minimum to almost no management.
  • No centrifuge machines are required as combs are cut off the Super bars and squeezed, separating the honey from the combs.
  • Both wax and honey can be harvested.

Langstroth Beehive

ABL has made several modifications to the Langstroth bee hive to suit local conditions:

  • Reduced the frame space in the brood box by increasing an extra frame to 11 instead of standard 10, so as to prevent burr combs.
  • Permanently fixing the floor to the brood box so as to make handling easer especially when moving and transporting from trapping sites to stands.
  • Reduced the length of the landing board to prevent bee eating birds from perching on landing board.

Super Box

African Beekeepers Ltd has increased the space between the super frames by fitting 9 frames opposed to the standard 10 frame , so as to create and air flow reducing the heat in the bee hive.

Catcher Box

The 3-catcher box is made to hold 5 Langstroth brood frames; the box is made with precision making it very versatile and efficient for relocating when colonized.

Beekeeping Startup Kit

ABL has launched a Starter's Beekeeping that comprises of several beekeeping startup requirements. The kit contains:

  1. Ten Langstroth beehives.
  2. Ten pole stands.
  3. One beekeeping harvesting kit.
    • Beesuit with vail and gloves
    • Smoker
    • Hive tool
    • Bee brush
    • Torch
  4. Honey semi-processing unit.
    • 3 frame centrifuge machines
    • Decaping tray
    • Decaping fork
    • Double stainless steel sieve

Queen Excluder

African Beekeepers's queen excluder is made from galvanized wire mesh with a timber boarder. The wire mesh has very little restriction for bees moving in and out of the super/supers.

Clearer Board

African Beekeepers Ltd has developed the clearer board which works very efficiently clearing bees from the supers in 24 hours.

Hive Stand

African Beekeepers Ltd has designed a single post beehive stand which accommodates one Langstroth beehives and is honey badger proof.

Feeder Box

Made of plywood and sealed with wax. Used for feeding bee during dry periods by putting sugar syrup.

Comb Cadge

For holding cut combs harvested from Top bar/traditional hives, the cadge Is then placed in a 3/9 frame ex tractor.

Kenya Top Bar Hive

KTBH fitted with queen excluder.

Become a Beekeeper

Join us in beekeeping and get a Beekeeper Startup Kit, a beekeeping book guide and training.

Road A, Industrial Area,
Nairobi, Kenya
Email: [email protected],
Tel: +254708294787

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